Helping You Stay Safely In Your Home

Welcome to Safe at Home Hamilton, a housing program for women-identifying and gender-diverse people experiencing partner violence residing in Hamilton, Ontario. Safe at Home Hamilton is a program run through Mission Services of Hamilton in collaboration with an active Steering Committee.


Safe at Home Hamilton assists individuals experiencing intimate partner violence by supporting them to stay safely in their homes or move to a home of their choosing.

This program provides:


Safety audits and financial support for home security measures.


Supports to make the home safe and affordable whether staying in the current home or moving to a new home


Case management, including referral and advocacy support, including for children

*Safe At Home Hamilton is not equipped to respond to high risk or crisis situations.


Safe at Home Hamilton is available to women-identified or gender diverse people who are residents of Hamilton, Ontario – with or without children – who are experiencing intimate partner violence and are seeking to safely remain in the home of their choice.

Who Is Eligible?
  • 18 years of age or older (excluding dependent children)
  • Low to moderate risk of (re-)experiencing physical harm
  • Experience threatening, controlling or coercive behaviour from partner
  • Willing to undergo a safety check of their home and accept adjustments
  • We consider support around pets when leaving a violent relationship. We feel that this model is uniquely positioned to provide support to those with pets by allowing participants to bypass the shelter system, which generally does not allow pets.
Who Is Not Eligible?
  • High-risk situations
  • Living outside of the Hamilton area
Working with perpetrators of violence
  • With the permission of the participant and consent of the former partner, Safe at Home staff will also provide referrals, offer case management and system navigation to perpetrators with the goal of safety homelessness prevention for all involved.
  • We anticipate that providing holistic services in this way will have a ripple effect and provide a significant and positive impact for participating families.


Clients enter Safe at Home Hamilton via referrals from established referral partner agencies. We are not able to accept self-referrals or applications from individuals at this time. If you are interested in finding out if you are eligible, we suggest you ask your Social Worker or Caseworker if their agency has a partnership with Safe at Home Hamilton.

If you are a Hamilton agency serving individuals experiencing partner violence who would like to become a referral partner, please use the ‘Contact Us’ form to get in touch.

Safe At Home Hamilton is not equipped to respond to high risk or crisis situations.

If you are in immediate danger, call 911. 

Other 24/7 Crisis Lines that can assist in time of need: 

More resources can be found at


Safe at Home Hamilton News Highlights

Safe at Home Hamilton works hard to provide innovative and unique support to those experiencing Intimate Partner Violence within Hamilton. Our community partnerships are essential, as we strive to provide wrap around care for participants. Safe at Home Hamilton would not be possible without our essential community partnerships – Thank you.  Please scroll to enjoy some highlights of the Safe at Home Hamilton program.

The Hamilton Spectator: It is possible to end intimate partner violence

“As researchers at St. Michael’s Hospital’s Map Centre for Urban Health Solutions in Toronto, we are piloting several projects designed to address gaps and barriers for survivors, including a series of screening and safety planning web tools. They can be found here:

More recently, we have been working with community partners to help bring women-centered housing programs to Canadian cities. One of our pilot projects involves working together with social service, shelter, housing, and criminal justice providers in Hamilton to safely house women and children experiencing violence.” ( Allison Branston, Thea Symonds and Patricia O’Campo. Nov. 24, 2023)


Safe at Home Hamilton Program Launch

Safe at Home Hamilton celebrated the launch of our program at Hamilton City Hall on June 4, 2024. We were excited to see so many of our Steering Committee members in attendance as we recognize all the hard work and dedication the Steering Committee members have done over the last four years that made the launch of Safe at Home Hamilton possible.

Thank you to Counsellor Tammy Hwang for the powerful and impactful speech highlighting the need for safety, security, and support for individuals experiencing Intimate Partner Violence within the Hamilton community.

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