About Us


The Safe at Home Hamilton model is used in Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. 

It has been shown to improve housing situations and reduce mental health issues experienced by women affected by intimate partner violence and domestic violence. It also provides stability for children.

In addition to housing support, this program also includes referrals to health services, legal services, social services and police services.

Safe at Home Hamilton is a homelessness prevention strategy and works in collaboration with the emergency shelters and transitional housing programs already serving the community.

Using a combination of supports provided in the community will allow women to stay safely in their homes or a home of their choosing.


Run through Mission Services of Hamilton, this program is designed to create an evidence base for Safe at Home programs in Hamilton and Canada.

Ideally this pilot will pave the way for this service to continue and be scaled up across the province, starting with cities similar to Hamilton.


Development of this program is led by a Steering Committee made up of representatives from Hamilton agencies that provide services directly or indirectly related to Intimate Partner Violence.


The Safe At Home Hamilton program staff work with agencies serving intimate partner violence survivors, such as housing, legal, violence against women agencies, to provide wrap-around services to ensure safety and housing stability for individuals and families. Case management is also guided by a multi-sectoral coordination table.


We’re a non-profit social service agency in Hamilton, Ontario on a mission to end poverty and create safe places to learn, heal and grow.

A healthy and resilient community where everyone feels safe and has access to healthy food, housing, appropriate treatment for addictions, and opportunities to enrich their futures and participate in the life of our neighbourhoods and our city.

Respect, equity, compassion, harmony, acceptance, dignity, stewardship, excellence, recognition, collaboration.

Mission Services of Hamilton is a Christian charitable organization whose purpose is to serve people and fulfill God’s call to Act Justly, Show Mercy and Offer Hope.


MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions collaborated with the Safe at Home Steering Committee to explore bringing a Safe at Home program to Hamilton.

MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions has co-tailored the program’s pillars to urban Canadian settings, created a blueprint for the program’s cross-sector collaborations and commitments, and is using evaluation to guide successful implementation; paving the way to successful scale-up across Canada.

Work has been ongoing since 2020 to ensure that this program fills a gap in the community, does not duplicate existing services, and brings together cross-sector agencies to provide coordinated wrap-around service provision.

The Partner Violence Implementation Science  (PVIS) team based at MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto, brings experience and knowledge in research and evaluation and will lead the evaluation of the Safe at Home pilot. The PVIS team will work closely with program partners and steering committee members to collect data to conduct an evaluation on the implementation and cost effectiveness of this program.

Our Committee Members & Advisors

Funds to support the development of this website were generously provided by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) under the NHS Solutions Labs.

CMHC Logo for Safe at Home About Us Page
National Housing Strategy Logo for Safe at Home About Us Page

Funds to support the pilot program and evaluation were generously provided by Women and Gender Equity and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

SSHRC logo
National Housing Strategy Logo for Safe at Home About Us Page

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